The idea of the direct curing in space environment came to
me about 18 years ago. At that time, I was not sure, if it was done or it is
impossible. All these years have been spent to get clear answer: yes, it is
possible, but no, it is not done.
I met these two comments as reaction on my presentations and
publications. People, who are far from space business, say, “it is done, and
even ISS is done by this way!” People, who work in space industry, say, “this
is impossible, but I do not know why?” All of these comments are not true.
During these years, I was carrying out a number of
investigations, including experiments and theoretical calculations. Part of the
results have been published and presented on conferences in different
auditoriums and countries.
First time, a general way of direct curing was discussed in
Russian journal “Plastic mass” (
1997, No.8) and republished in English in
“International Polymer Science and Technology”: Kondyurin A.V., Building the
shells of large space stations by the polymerisation of epoxy composites in
open space, Int. Polymer Sci. and Technol., v.25, N4, 1998, p. 78-80.
After that the further results have been published in a
number of journals:
Kondyurin A., G.Mesyats, Yu.Klyachkin, Creation of High-Size
Space Station by Polymerisation of Composite Materials in Free Space, J. of the
Japan Soc. of Microgravity Appl., v.15, Suppl.II, 1998, p.61-65.
Kondyurin A., Kostarev K., Bagara M.V., Polymerization
processes of epoxy plastic in free space conditions, Paper IAF-99-I.5.04, 50th
International Astronautical Congress 4-8- Oct., 1999, Amsterdam, The
Briskman V., A.Kondyurin, K.Kostarev, V.Leontyev,
M.Levkovich, A.Mashinsky, G.Nechitailo, T.Yudina, Polymerization in
microgravity as a new process in space technology, Paper № IAA-97-IAA.12.1.07,
48th International Astronautical Congress, October 6-10, 1997, Turin Italy
Kondyurin A., High-size space laboratory for biological
orbit experiments,
Advanced space research, v.28, N4, 2001, pp.665-671
Kondyurin A., Kostarev K., Bagara M., Polymerization
processes of epoxy plastic in simulated free space conditions,
Acta Astronautica, vol.48, N2-3, 2001, pp.109-113
Briskman V.A., Yudina T.M., Kostarev K.G., Kondyurin A.V.,
Leontyev V.B., Levkovich M.G., Mashinsky A.L., Nechitailo G.S., Polymerization
in microgravity as a new process in space technology,
Acta Astronautica,
vol.48, N2-3, 2001, pp.169-180.
Kondyurin A., Lauke B., Polymerisation processes in
simulated free space conditions, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium
on Materials in a Space Environment, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 16-20 June,
ESA SP-540, September 2003, pp.75-80
Kondyurin A., B. Lauke, I. Kondyurina and E. Orba, Creation
of biological module for self-regulating ecological system by the way of
polymerization of composite materials in free space,
Advances in Space Research, 2004, v. 34/7, p. 1585-1591.
Kondyurin A., B.Lauke, E.Richter: Polymerization Process of
Epoxy Matrix Composites under Simulated Free Space Conditions, High Performance
Polymers. 16, 2004, p. 163 – 175.
Kondyurin A., B.Lauke: Curing of liquid epoxy resin in
plasma discharge,
European Polymer Journal. 40/8, 2004, p. 1915 – 1923.
Kondyurin A., B. Lauke, R. Vogel, Photopolymerisation of
composite material in simulated free space environment at low Earth orbital
European Polymer Journal 42 (2006) 2703–2714.
Kondyurina I., A. Kondyurin, B. Lauke, L. Figiel, R. Vogel,
U. Reuter, Polymerisation of composite materials in space environment for
development of a Moon base,
Advances in space research, 37, 2006, p.109-115.
A. Kondyurin, B. Lauke, R. Vogel, G. Nechitailo, Kinetics of
photocuring of matrix of composite material under simulated conditions of free
space, Plasticheskie massi, 2007, v.11, pp.50-55.
A.V.Kondyurin, G.S.Nechitailo, Composite material for
Inflatable Structures Photocured under Space Flight Conditions,
Cosmonautics and rockets, 3 (56), 182-190, 2009.
A.V.Kondyurin, L.A.Komar, A.L.Svistkov, Modelling of curing
of composite materials for the inflatable structure of a lunar space base,
Journal on Composite Mechanics and Design, 15 (4), 512-526, 2009.
A.V.Kondyurin, L.A.Komar, A.L.Svistkov, Modelling of curing
reaction kinetics in composite material based on epoxy matrix, Journal on
Composite Mechanics and Design, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 597-611, 2010.
A. Kondyurin, Direct Curing of Polymer Construction Material
in Simulated Earth’s Moon Surface Environment,
Journal of spacecraft and rockets, V. 48, No. 2, pp.378-384, 2011.
A.V.Kondyurin, L.A.Komar, L.A. Svistkov, Modeling of the
kinetics of the curing reaction of the epoxy binder-based composite material,
Nanomechanics science and technology: An international journal, vol.2, issue 2,
167-183, 2011.
A. Kondyurin, L.A. Komar, A.L. Svistkov, Combinatory model
of curing process in epoxy composite,
Composites, part B, 43, 616–620, 2012.
In my two books:
In Cornell University site:
recent experiment has been done on the curing in stratosphere.
First time, it was shown, that cosmic rays play role of additional hardener for
the polymer. Space makes polymer harder. This real flight experiment supported
previous laboratory investigations and made me sure, that it will work in real
space flight.
If you are interested in and do not have subscription for
these journals, please, ask me, I will send you a copy.